Data Structures

Data Sets

Data Sets serve as the primary containers for data, organizing various pieces of information into coherent groups based on specific themes or criteria. These data sets are dynamic, meaning they can evolve as new data tokens are added or removed based on community governance decisions. This community-driven approach ensures that data remains relevant and up-to-date.

Data Tokens

Data Tokens are the atomic units of information within the network. Each data token represents a piece of data that is hashed and secured, making it non-viewable to ensure privacy and confidentiality. The hashed nature of these tokens means that the underlying data is protected, and only authorized users who hold or access these tokens can view or use the actual data. Data tokens are versatile and can be traded, used, or accessed within the network depending on established permissions and rules.

Data Edges

Data Edges act as the connective tissue between data tokens and data sets. Conceptualized as unique Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), data edges create verifiable and immutable links that not only secure the relationship between tokens and datasets but also facilitate the traceability and provenance of data within the ecosystem. These edges are crucial for maintaining a transparent audit trail of how data is compiled and used over time.

Together, these structures create a robust framework for data handling within the SVN Network, enabling efficient data management, enhanced security, and clear data lineage—essential for a platform that supports a wide range of data-centric applications and facilitates meaningful data interactions.

Minimum Viable Data (MVD)

The MVD refers to the minimum number of data points or tokens that must be accepted into a data set before an associated liquidity pool can be created in the AMM. This threshold (e.g., 1,000 data points) acts as a quality and trustworthiness gatekeeper, ensuring that only when there is sufficient community backing and data verification, will the trading liquidity pool be established.

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