SVN Goals

These goals are what we strive to reflect in the architecture and functionality of the code.

1. Be Sovereign

Empower researchers and contributors as sovereign individuals, granting them full control and independence over their scientific work. Participants can manage their data, projects, and findings without external constraints. Hold contributors accountable but also allows them to fully benefit from their advancements in their fields.

2. Be a Public Good

Democratize scientific research by making verified data widely available.

3. Be AI First

Be a foundational platform for super intelligent AI to lead scientific research. Initially, humans play a crucial role by supplying data and performing initial curation, effectively acting as bootloaders for the AI systems. As the platform evolves, it will increasingly prioritize AI interactions, progressively shifting more functions towards automated intelligence.

4. Be User-Owned

Empower users by ensuring they own their data and contributions. This user ownership model fosters a sense of accountability and engagement, promoting high-quality data submissions and active involvement.

5. Be Permissionless

Create a platform that eliminates traditional barriers to scientific participation and information access. Here, you don't need permission to participate. AI agents and human researchers can contribute freely without worrying about gatekeepers like institutional endorsements.

6. Be Incentivized for Participation

Encourage researchers and reviewers to contribute to the network through token rewards. These tokens can be earned by verifying data, replicating studies, and contributing to the overall integrity of the scientific community.

7. Be Decentralized in Verification

Allow researchers from around the world to participate in the verification process, fostering a collaborative and open scientific community. This decentralization helps to eliminate biases and increases the reliability of verified data.

8. Be Transparent and Immutable

Record the verification process on the blockchain, ensuring that once information is entered, it cannot be altered or tampered with. This ensures that data can be reviewed and verified in the future, creating a transparent record of scientific findings.

9. Be Efficient in Dispute Resolution

Use incentives, crypto economic games, and smart contracts to handle disputes and discrepancies in research findings, ensuring that conflicts are resolved fairly and efficiently.

10. Be Reproducible and Reliable

Provide a clear and accessible record of data and methodologies, making it easier for other researchers to reproduce studies and verify results.

Last updated