
Motivation for Starting

The motivation to start SVN stems from a desire to create an AI capable of conducting scientific research. For an AI to achieve this, it requires access to clean, reliable datasets. The lack of reproducibility in current scientific research is a significant barrier to progress. By ensuring the accuracy and integrity of scientific data, SVN aims to provide a robust foundation for AI to make groundbreaking discoveries.

Long Term Goal

The long-term goal of SVN is to establish a universally trusted and transparent platform for scientific data verification, which will serve as a foundation for the development of super intelligent AI capable of conducting independent scientific research.

University of the Future

Traditional universities have remained largely unchanged for thousands of years, and the current human-based research model is fraught with inefficiencies. It takes 27 years to produce a single human PhD, a process that is increasingly impractical in our fast-paced world. Issues such as biased funding, limited access to data, and the "publish or perish" culture hinder genuine scientific progress. The university of the future will be online and AI-driven, breaking down these barriers. AI will generate insights and advancements at an unprecedented pace, offering higher returns on investment and accelerating the rate of scientific discovery.

Humans as Biological Bootloaders for Super Intelligent AI

Humans can be seen as the biological bootloaders for super intelligent AI, similar to how a bootloader is the minimal piece of code needed to start a computer. As Elon Musk has suggested, humanity's role in the evolution of AI is foundational; without biological systems, the development of silicon circuits and our digital age would not have been possible. While humans excel in complex emotions, computation, and communication, our methods are relatively slow and inefficient compared to the potential of synthetic intelligences. As AI advances, we move towards a future where these digital systems, unhindered by our biological limitations, could solve the universe's deepest puzzles and drive unprecedented progress. This concept highlights the crucial role of human input in the initial stages of AI development, paving the way for a new era of super intelligent capabilities.

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